What IS Deep Root Irrigation?
Russell Tree Experts provides deep root irrigation services to water trees suffering from inadequate hydration. Using an irrigation lance, we penetrate the surface of the soil and inject water 6 to 8 inches below ground level. This minimizes water runoff and reduces the amount of water being taken by grass and surrounding, above-ground plants. This directly targets the root zone of the tree for optimal, efficient watering. The water is delivered out of a lance in 4 separate streams with approximately 200 psi of pressure. An additional benefit of this watering method is that some, minor soil decompaction will occur. This adds valuable pore space back into the soil for future root growth, increases the rate of water infiltration, and improves gas exchange.
What Trees Benefit From Deep Root Irrigation?
All trees need water, but trees that will benefit most from deep root irrigation are:
Newly planted trees in landscapes whose owners are away during the hot or dry seasons. A 2 week gap in watering is all it takes for a tree to dry out and cause significant damage and heat stress.
Newly planted trees not close to a watering source (ex: park trees, street trees or trees inaccessible by watering can)
Established trees in restricted root zones (ex: parking lots or sidewalk cutouts)
Trees that recently experienced soil compaction or root disturbance events (ex: construction or grade change)
Trees that have recently received a root zone invigoration
Trees experiencing stress from insect infestation or disease. Deep root irrigation is unlikely to cure the insect or disease issue, but could be an indicator of inadequate irrigation.
Mature trees beginning to decline
Established trees during extreme periods of drought
How Often is Deep Root Irrigation Needed?
Watering is essential to newly planted trees during most of the growing season from approximately May through October. The amount of recommended water for a tree will vary depending on the particular tree’s size, level of establishment, and planting site. Depending on your particular needs or specific tree, multiple deep root irrigation visits may be needed for optimal results.
An irrigation lance penetrating the soil’s surface 6 to 8 inches below ground level to directly target the tree’s root zone
Water is delivered out of the irrigation lance in 4 separate streams with approximately 200 psi of pressure.
Volume of water and quantity of deep root irrigation visits will vary depending on a tree’s size, establishment level, and planting site.