Unfortunately, more and more trees are “growing up” in unnatural environments that force their root systems into confined spaces which leads to the formation of girdling roots. From the start of a tree’s life, girdling roots may be forming. Trees grown in nurseries are forced to grow in small containers. This practice encourages the binding and tangling of roots AKA pot-bound. Poor nursery practices and poor planting practices are the two most common ways girdling roots are introduced into landscapes.
Other “tight spaces” include trees planted near homes, backyard structures, sidewalks, or roads. Even a perfectly placed tree can fall victim to girdling roots by the act of over-mulching its base –a trend that has resulted in the death of many trees by many well-intentioned homeowners
Root collar excavation is a technique used to expose “problem roots” that may be suffocating your tree and cutting off vital nutrient uptake, ultimately leading to the demise of your tree. These “problem roots” are known as girdling roots. Girdling roots are roots that tightly wrap themselves around the base of a tree in an unnatural fashion. A tree root collar (AKA tree root flare) is the area where the first division of roots attaches to the trunk of the tree and is the area where girdling roots form.
Root collar excavation is a process that involves directing high-pressure air at the base of the tree to displace local soil in order to inspect the root system. Once problem roots are identified we begin the process of careful and selective root pruning to remove the unwanted roots while keeping the tree healthy and vigorous.