A Certified Arborist will evaluate the trees and shrubs on your property and propose a custom plan to treat any insect and disease issues. If needed, we will utilize a local horticulture laboratory to analyze tissue samples from your tree to identify the insect or disease.
We will execute the plan by applying treatment to each tree indicated on the plan. This may require multiple visits throughout the year to ensure the best possible outcome for your tree.
Enjoy your landscape throughout the year! Monitor your trees and give us a call if you have any questions or concerns! If you would prefer we monitor your property throughout the year, consider our Integrated Tree Health Management Program!
Asterisk (*) indicates treatment is included within the ITHM program
Common Hosts: Dogwood, Sycamore (others, but not as serious)
Apple Scab
Common Hosts: Crabapple, Apple, Quince, Pear, Hawthorn, Serviceberry, Mountain Ash
Botryosphaeria Stem Canker*
Common Hosts: Redbud
Cedar-Apple Rust
Common Hosts: Juniper, Crabapple, Apple
Cedar-Hawthorn Rust
Common Hosts: Juniper, Hawthorn
Dothistroma Needle Blight
Common Hosts: Mugo Pine, Scotch Pine, Austrian Pine, Tanyosho Pine
Dutch Elm Disease
Common Hosts: American Elm
Fire Blight
Common Hosts: Pear, Cherry, Rose, Apple, Serviceberry, Cotoneaster, Hawthorn
Phomopsis Tip Blight
Common Hosts: Juniper
Phytophthora Root Rot
Common Hosts: Various – mainly plants in poorly drained areas
Powdery Mildew
Common Hosts: Lilac, Ninebark, magnolia, others
Rhizosphaera Needle Cast
Common Hosts: White Spruce, Colorado Spruce
Verticillium Wilt*
Common Hosts: Maple, Smoke Tree, many others
Common Insects Threatening Ohio Trees
All treatments are included within the ITHM program unless otherwise noted
Common Hosts: River Birch, Spirea, Hawthorn
Common Hosts: Arborvitae, Spruce, Juniper, many others
Black Vine Weevil
Common Hosts: Taxus, Liriope
Bronze Birch Borer
Common Hosts: White Birch varieties
Boxwood Leaf Miner
Common Hosts: Boxwood
Conifer Bark Beetle
Common Hosts: White Pine, Scotch Pine
Dogwood Borer
Common Hosts: Dogwood
Emerald Ash Borer
Common Hosts: Ash
Treatment for this insect is included within the ITHM plan only for trees smaller than 10” in diameter
Euonymus Scale
Common Hosts: Vining/Creeping Euonymus
Gypsy Moth
Common Hosts: Oak, Hickory, many others
Japanese Beetle
Common Hosts: Oakleaf Hydrangea, Cherry, Crabapple, Sandcherry, many others
Lace Bug
Common Hosts: Azalea
Lecanium Scale
Common Hosts: Crabapple, Pear, Honeylocust
Lilac Borer
Common Hosts: Old Fashioned Lilac
Magnolia Scale
Common Hosts: Magnolia (excluding Sweetbay and Southern)
Maple Bladder Gall Mite
Common Hosts: Maple
Oystershell Scale
Common Hosts: Crabapple, Pear, Honeylocust
Pine Needle Scale
Common Hosts: Mugo Pine, White Pine
Pine Sawfly
Common Hosts: Mugo Pine
Pitch Mass Borer
Common Hosts: Spruce
Spider Mite
Common Hosts: Dwarf Alberta Spruce, Burning Bush, Spruce, many others
Tent Caterpillar
Common Hosts: Locust, Crabapple, Hawthorn
Viburnum Crown Borer
Common Hosts: Fragrant Viburnums
Fall Webworm
Common Hosts: Honeylocust, Cherry
White Pine Weevil
Common Hosts: White Pine, Spruce
Winged Euonymus Scale
Common Hosts: Burning Bush
Yellow Poplar Weevil
Common Hosts: Tulip Tree, Magnolia
Zimmerman Pine Moth
Common Hosts: White Pine, Scotch Pine