Tree Leaves, Fruits, & Flowers

Did you recently receive stickers of leaves/fruits from a Russell Tree Experts arborist? Scroll down to find your sticker to learn more about the tree! Fun fact: All of the trees featured below can be found within Central Ohio! Want to receive some awesome stickers? Email us at


The Maple Family


Norway Maple

Latin Name: Acer platanoides
Growth Rate: Medium
Mature Height: ≈50 ft
Mature Spread: ≈50 ft
State Champ: Knox Co. (83’ high x 65’ wide)


Red Maple

Latin Name: Quercus macrocarpa
Growth Rate: Medium/Fast
Mature Height: ≈70 ft
Mature Spread: ≈40 ft
State Champ: Fairfield Co. (88’ high x 66’ spread)


Silver Maple

Latin Name: Acer saccharinum
Growth Rate: Very Fast
Mature Height: ≈80 ft
Mature Spread: ≈60 ft
State Champ: Muskingum Co. (94’ high x 101’ spread)


Sugar Maple

Latin Name: Acer saccharum
Growth Rate: Slow
Mature Height: ≈80 ft
Mature Spread: ≈40 ft
State Champ: Mahoning Co. (123’ high x 68 spread)

The Oak Family


Bur Oak

Latin Name: Quercus macrocarpa
Growth Rate: Slow
Mature Height: ≈85 ft
Mature Spread: ≈75 ft
State Champ: Pickaway Co. (90’ high x 124’ spread)


Pin Oak

Latin Name: Quercus palustris
Growth Rate: Very Fast
Mature Height: ≈70 ft
Mature Spread: ≈40 ft
State Champ: Clermont (126’ high x 104’ spread)


Red Oak

Latin Name: Acer rubrum
Growth Rate: Very Fast
Mature Height: ≈60 ft
Mature Spread: ≈70 ft
State Champ: Gallia (70’ high x 59’ spread)

The Beech Family


American Beech

Latin Name: Fagus grandifolia
Growth Rate: Slow
Mature Height: ≈65 ft
Mature Spread: ≈85 ft
State Champ: Ashtabula Co. (96’ high x 32’ spread)


Fernleaf Beech

Latin Name: Fagus sylvatica Asplenifolia
Growth Rate: Slow
Mature Height: ≈60 ft
Mature Spread: ≈40 ft
State Champ: N/A

Other Trees of Ohio



Latin Name: Sassafras albidum
Growth Rate: Very Fast
Mature Height: ≈50 ft
Mature Spread: ≈30 ft
State Champ: Portage Co. (57’ high x 61’ spread)


American Sweetgum

Latin Name: Liquidambar styraciflua
Growth Rate: Medium/Fast
Mature Height: ≈30 ft
Mature Spread: ≈30 ft
State Champ: Athens Co. (127’ high x 79’ spread)



Latin Name: Platanus occidentalis
Growth Rate: Medium/Fast
Mature Height: ≈80 ft
Mature Spread: ≈60 ft
State Champ: Ashland Co. (124’ high x 88’ spread)



Latin Name: Liriodendron tulipifera
Growth Rate: Very Fast
Mature Height: ≈80 ft
Mature Spread: ≈40 ft
State Champ: Summit Co. (163’ high x 91’ spread)



Latin Name: Cornus florida
Growth Rate: Slow
Mature Height: ≈15 ft
Mature Spread: ≈20 ft
State Champ: Licking Co. (33’ high x 42’ spread)


Osage Orange

Latin Name: Maclura pomifera
Growth Rate: Very Fast
Mature Height: ≈35 ft
Mature Spread: ≈35 ft
State Champ: Hamilton Co. (75’ high x 81’ spread)

State Champion Trees Information Provided by the Ohio DNR Forestry