We are thrilled to announce that our own TJ Nagel recently earned the ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® (BCMA) certification! This is no average feat and we're so impressed by TJ's drive and dedication to earn the top certification in our industry!
The Double Tree of Casorzo
Between Casorzo and Grana in Piemonte, a region in northwest Italy, there is a cherry tree growing healthily on top of a mulberry tree with branches spreading over 5 meters long. This tree, or should I say, these trees, are known as the Double Tree of Casorzo (Bialbero de Casorzo in Italian) or the Grana Double Tree.
Asian Trees for the Ohio Landscape [Part 3]
Asian Trees for the Ohio Landscape [Part 2]
Asian Trees for the Ohio Landscape [Part 1]
In Ohio and much of the Midwest, many of the non-native trees and shrubs that can be found in the landscape are Asian in origin, due to the similar climate we share with that region of the world. This gives us a great opportunity to expand our options beyond native trees and shrubs when selecting suitable replacements or additions to our yards.
Right of Way: Understanding City-Owned Trees
Spotted Lanternfly: They Are Getting Close!
If you are among those of us in the tree or insect world, you’ve likely heard of the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). This pest showed up in the Southeastern region of our neighboring state of Pennsylvania in 2014. This is an invasive sap sucking insect that has the potential to disrupt a variety of industries.
Understanding Conifers
Understanding conifers should begin with a few simple definitions to clarify and classify. A conifer is a plant that bears its seeds in cones. When we hear the word cone, we likely think of pine and spruce trees, two types of coniferous trees that are widely found throughout Central Ohio and beyond. Their cones are obvious when they fall and scatter on the ground surrounding the tree. But did you know that yews (Taxus) and junipers are also conifers?