Ask An Arborist: Can I save my ash tree?

Is it possible to save a young Ash tree from the Ash Bore?

José Fernández ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, Russell Tree Experts:
Yes, it is very possible. There are many methods of treating Ash trees for Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), but experience has proven that there are two methods that work best:
Soil drench method and trunk injection method.The trunk injection method is recommended for trees that have an existing infestation. The soil drench method works well as a preventive measure to maintain resistance on healthy trees. It is important to have an ISA Certified Arborist inspect the tree in question to determine if it is a good candidate for treatment.
We are proud to have a very long list of clients with Ash trees that have remained healthy through the worst of the EAB infestation in central Ohio, and we have seen infested trees come back to health over several treatment cycles.