From day one, Russell Tree Experts has always held safety to the highest regard. Each week we dedicate time to train, educate and discuss the most efficient production techniques focused first on safety. Managing a business in an industry recognized by the Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) as one of the most dangerous occupations in Ohio, our approach is serious. Not only do we focus on hazards relating to occupational safety, we take it one step further by providing training and awareness regarding issues hard to recognize and not always apparent, but certainly gaining much attention in our society.
Dyann McDowell of Training Marbles
Once a year all 31 Russell Tree Experts crew members gather together to focus specifically on drug and alcohol safety. Last week, before the regular day began, we invited an expert in substance abuse to educate all employees and provide supervisor training pertaining to drug prevention and problems associated with use and misuse of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. Dyann McDowell of Training Marbles (associated with the Ohio BWC Drug-Free Safety Program) led us through real-life scenarios of how to recognize addiction and how to act swiftly to maintain an environment safe for ourselves and the public. She provided in-depth descriptions of common drugs and those just gaining momentum. She explained historical trends in drug use and current data on where specific drugs are prevalent. She went on to explain how an overdose physically occurs in the body and why it is so hard to reverse. She offered many resources dedicated to rehabilitation for those suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. Supervisors broke out into a small group after the main presentation to further discuss the importance of being aware of the warning signs of substance abuse, how to handle rumors of abuse and when and how to take action.
By participating in the Drug-Free Safety Program, facilitated through the BWC, I am confident our company is smarter, stronger and safer because of the deliberate time we choose to make ourselves aware of the dangers associated with drug and alcohol abuse. I am proud that as a team we are watching out for the wellbeing of our fellow coworkers, to stay safe and make certain everyone returns home healthy and well each and every day.
At the end of the program, all 31 of us participated in drug and alcohol testing administered by a third party organization. I am happy to report we all passed and Russell Tree Experts is 100% Drug and Alcohol FREE!!
Shari Russell
Member, Co-Owner
Russell Tree Experts