Pruning Upper Arlington's Oldest Tree

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By Enrique Arayata
ISA Certified Arborist® OH-7252A
March 18, 2021


While working on a street tree pruning project with Upper Arlington, Ohio, where we are pruning approximately 2,500 trees, we had the opportunity and pleasure to prune, according to the Upper Arlington, Ohio Tree Commission, the oldest tree in Upper Arlington: an American sycamore tree (Platanus occidentalis) approximately 100 feet tall and approximately 90 feet wide. It is unclear how old this ancient tree is, but when reaching out to my fellow coworker ISA Certified Arborist Walter Reins, he approximated that this tree is likely over a century old. This tree took half a day to prune as ISA Certified Arborist Mac McGuire skillfully pruned this tree using a bucket truck to remove deadwood, diseased limbs, broken branches, and hangers. Elevation pruning was also performed over Cambridge Boulevard to provide proper clearance for vehicles traveling on the road below. Through years of proper care and periodic pruning, this American sycamore has been able to reach its full potential and grow to this enormous size. 

The American sycamore tree (Platanus occidentalis) is native to Ohio and can typically grow to a height and spread of up to 75 to 100 feet. The tree prefers and grows best in partial to full sun and in moderately to well-drained soils. Along with being native to Ohio, the American Sycamore can be natively found anywhere ranging from zones 4 through 9 on the eastern half of the United States (see map below).

Hardiness Zone Map Courtesy of the Arbor Day Foundation

Hardiness Zone Map Courtesy of the Arbor Day Foundation

In nature, one can often find this tree along creeks and rivers. They can be identified by their tall height and unique bark, featuring a camouflage-like pattern of green, tan, and white. Its leaves can have truncate or cordate bases with three to five lobes, loosely resembling a maple leaf. Alongside the leaves are round fruit approximately 1.5 inches in diameter that are attractive to birds. Potential issues that arise from the American sycamore are anthracnose, a fungus that can destroy emergent leaves in the spring, hollow trunks that can be prone to storm damage, and overgrowth in tight, urban areas that may call for pruning or removal.

We are honored to help contribute to the long-term health of Upper Arlington Ohio’s oldest tree. We are excited to see what other interesting trees we encounter while continuing on with our street tree pruning project! Check out this amazing tree by visiting the corner of Cambridge Boulevard and Yorkshire Road in Upper Arlington, Ohio!



Enrique Arayata I Media Production Manager, Russell Tree Experts

Enrique is an ISA Certified Arborist® and FAA Certified Remote Pilot. In his free time, he enjoys working out, hanging out with his family and girlfriend, video production, photography, cars, technology, and cooking. Enrique has a BA in moving image production with a double minor in film studies and studio art specializing in photography from The Ohio State University, and an AA in web graphic design from DeVry University. His favorite tree is the Kwanzan cherry tree.