How to Water Your Trees

How do I water my new trees?

Believe it or not, there is more to watering a tree than simply spraying it with a hose once in a while.  Properly watering a tree will ensure that the tree establishes well at its new location, developing strong, deep roots that will sustain it through periods of drought as it matures.  Please note that this article will not deal with how to properly plant a tree, although how the tree is planted does influence how water enters into the root zone.  

First of all, you need to know what type of soil you have.  In central Ohio, heavy clay soils are most common, and almost guaranteed if you live in a newer housing development where the soil structure is far from normal due to common construction practices.  If you happen to have a sandier soil than commonly found in Ohio, you will need to adjust your watering accordingly.

Ask An Arborist: Can I save my ash tree?

Is it possible to save a young Ash tree from the Ash Bore?

José Fernández ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, Russell Tree Experts:
Yes, it is very possible. There are many methods of treating Ash trees for Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), but experience has proven that there are two methods that work best:
Soil drench method and trunk injection method.The trunk injection method is recommended for trees that have an existing infestation. The soil drench method works well as a preventive measure to maintain resistance on healthy trees. It is important to have an ISA Certified Arborist inspect the tree in question to determine if it is a good candidate for treatment.

Ask An Arborist: What Should I Plant?

We just bought a house with no trees or even shrubs in the yard. We want a bigger shade tree, and some smaller ones. We both want fruit or nut trees. And I love birch trees. We have our lot our house is on and a whole additional lot, so we have plenty of space. Can you recommend some types of trees and tell me when is a good time to plant them?